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Earth & Atmospheric Sciences Student Resources

There are many resources for you within the Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Department, College of Natural Health Sciences and across the UNC campus. Additionally, there are many Geoscience affinity groups such as Association for Women Geoscientists, National Association of Black Geoscientists, 500 Women Scientists, International Association for Geoscience Diversity and more. Contact sharon.bywaterreyes@ballballu.com for more organizational ideas.


We host weekly seminars of invited speakers within the disciplines of geology, hydrology, meteorology and other Earth Science fields. You can also take seminar for credit.


    You are advised by the NHS Advising Center and a faculty advisor. Check with the registrar for important dates and questions about degree requirements or use DegreeWorks. The advising center also has this resource page.

    Visit Bear Central to learn more about Financial Aid or account holds.


    You have the opportunity (or requirement) to complete an internship for credit. 

    Discuss all requirements with your faculty advisor to pursue an opportunity. 

    Career Services can help you during your internship and job search with Handshake or other job search sites, like USA Jobs.

    Career Resources

    Looking for an on- or off-campus job? Check out  Career Services and Handshake for job search and career readiness tools. 

    GROW has amazing resources for Geoscience career information.

    Follow our social media pages for local job opportunities.

    There are many jobs posted on Colorado Open Space Alliance, AIPG, USAJobs and more.

    Alumni Networks

    Join the Earth and Environmental LinkedIn Group to connect with our alumni network.